Gary participated in a community based project recently, Celebration of Life on the Lake, and here's the clay tile that he made. I'm so proud of him for trying something new and doing it so well-good job! The reception was this past Saturday where everybody got to see them all together for the first time, I didn't know what to expect since I wsn't a part of this one, and was blown away with what I saw. And to see all the kids with their parents, showing off their art work, well that was just precious! The following text is from a press release (making sure I get the facts straight!), and photos from Gary. This will be the 3rd attempt, for some reason Typepad keeps eating my posts tonight!
Through the months of April and May students from Kewaunee and Algoma schools, as well as home school children and adult community members, have gathered at Clay on Steele in Algoma to create works of art celebrating life here in Northeast Wisconsin on the Lake Michigan shore. Nearly 150 participants designed, created and glazed clay tiles that depict scenes of local plant and wildlife, recreational activities, family farms, historical buildings and endangered and invasive species. The project, designed and implemented by local artists Kirsten Christianson and Stephanie St. John, was partially funded with a grant from the Wisconsin Arts Board. The artists were able to receive this grant by partnering up with ArtBeet, Inc., a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote the arts in Kewaunee County. Additional support was provided by local businesses, individuals and over a dozen volunteers from the community.
Gary's tile is wonderful and what a great project!
Posted by: Debbie Overton | May 21, 2008 at 06:43 AM
wow - Gary's and ALL of the tiles are awesome! Great use of bas relief and texture...and these are beginners! I can only imagine given some time "playingin the mud" what they might create. I just love clay - it really lends itself to this kind of work: marvelous!
Posted by: Tammy Vitale | May 21, 2008 at 07:45 AM
These are awesome! Gary's is especially wonderful too!
Posted by: Jo Anne | May 21, 2008 at 11:48 AM