Bet you're wondering what's with the picture of a tag in a pair of jeans? Let me explain, once upon a time these fit me. And once upon a time, I was hell bent on losing all the extra weight that I'd been hauling around for my entire life. This time was going to be different, this time I'd lose ALL of it, not just some. This time I'd keep it off. This time I'd be skinny and all would be well with the world. I did lose it all and then some, to the point that size small was sometimes too big, no matter that I looked sick to some people, and who cares if my hair fell out by the handfuls about half way through (thank god that stopped!), I WON, I was----drum roll please----skinny-for about 5 minutes of my life in the grand scope of things. The grand finale of this whole process was spending hours shopping for that perfect pair of jeans, a name brand in a single digit size, I thought I had found heaven. But really nothing had changed-except for the fact that I didn't recognize myself in a mirror anymore-seriously. The people in my life that mattered, were going to stick around no matter what the scale said when I stood on it. And those that were suddenly my new best friends, did I really want them in my life anyway? Nope! Stay with me here, there's a reason for all of this. The other day, I was visiting
Tammy Vitale's Blog, and happened to click on a link for another of her websites-why didn't I ever notice that before? Anyway, it led me to a site called
Body Politics, when I clicked to
find out what it's about I was intriqued, you will be too-go back & click on that last link:) This one sentence says it all: "A woman’s spirit, her sense of confidence and self-worth, may be broken by repetitive messages that tell her she isn’t good enough the way she is —" wait a minute, that's my life, that's how I grew up! Oh there are stories to be told, but not here. They'll be put into notes & stuffed into the pockets of those skinny jeans, and maybe even written onto those jeans, but it's time that I (and maybe you?) get rid of all that baggage, along with those "skinny jeans" that we all have stashed away somewhere. The dream of both Tammy & Heather are for people to send them their jeans & their stories, that eventually it could become a traveling exhibit. This is a project that most of us can participate in, and maybe make a difference, change this idea of self worth being determined by how closely we match up "to standard ideals of beauty". Please, please, please, click those links, read about this project, click on the interact link, and lets help them get this going! Put it on your blogs & spread the word! Speaking for myself, I'm ready (after being horrified at the thought of getting rid of those jeans at first) to dump this baggage, get on with my life, I am who I am.
Good by, Calvin Kleins, good by to the only size 8 jeans I've ever worn, and hello to a new life! Oh, and if anyone's interested, I have a closet full of small clothes, and I do mean full-I'll trade you for some art supplies:)
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