Doesn't look like much, does it? It's the stack of papers that Gary & I worked on last week, that I talked about in the previous post. Believe it or not, there's 71 pieces of paper, and if it hadn't frozen last night I'd love to do at least that many more. We didn't get hit with a hard freeze, but enough to have knocked out a lot of foliage, but there's always next year!
The color combinations, and plant combinations are endless. Now if I had only written down which colors were mixed with what, and what plants worked the best! Relying on my memory for this wasn't one of my brighter moves, so next year I'll just look at it as an adventure:) The last couple of weeks have been fun, combining plants & color-2 of my favorite things anyway, but hard to believe that it was 80 degrees for most of the previous week, and now freezing at night. Welcome to WI!
We got 300 of these smaller papers done, too-may have mentioned that already in my last post now that I think of it. We came up with a way to tag team staining these papers which worked great! Two people working on this & hot cement to lay them onto, works like a charm. I'd really like to get more of these done this week if possible, but the week is already filling up quickly. On Monday, I have to go see a new pain management doc, not exactly my idea of how to start off a Monday morning, but there's no choice. This clinic has been highly recommended, but I'm just not a fan of big needles, especially the kind these folks seem to think always belong in people's backs, no matter what the problem is. At least that's my perception, but I do admit that I'm not a good patient, and am so tired of nobody being able to "fix" me, that it's hard to to look at this as the glass being half full kind of situation. I'm trying though, I have to at least give these folks the benefit of the doubt, rather than walk in there convinced they can't help. If nothing else, I've learned that the power of the mind & our subconscious is a force that shouldn't be taken lightly, and we should try to tap into that inner power much more often than we do. Ok, well maybe you all do that already, but I need work in that area. To make a long story short, I'm trying like hell to put on my happy face about these folks, and telling myself there's potential there, maybe they really can help and I should look forward to going instead of dreading it. Somebody tell me that's true so I'm not hyperventilating when I walk in there, please. Tomorrow I can show you some of the collage work I got done this week-being nervous has it's advantages-keeps me busy:) But for tonight, I leave you with this--and enjoy the weekend!
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