Check this out! This box of innocent looking jars are going to give me hours of fun dying paper, fabric & ribbon this summer-I feel like the mad scientist about to embark on a new experiment. Actually, that pretty much describes it:) Awhile back, I talked about
Mixed Media Nature Journals written by
L.K. Ludwig, rather than repeat myself too much, you can go back &
read it here. For once in my life, I wanted to be prepared, so I made sure that I had plenty of
Fabriano watercolor paper on hand (love that stuff!) and then went on over to
Dharma Trading Co to order dye. Sounds simple enough, until I got over there and saw all the possibilities, amazing! Look
here and
here and then just keep digging through the site, there are enough ideas to keep anyone busy for a very long

This morning we ran into Kewaunee for an estate sale, it's that time of year for all kinds of sales, so off we went. Not quite sure just yet how or when I'll use this stuff, but it was too cool to leave behind. See that's the problem at these sales, no time to think, because if you don't grab whatever it is that you're looking at right away, it's gone right before your eyes. But I'm either going have to do some assemblage pieces soon or I'm going to run out of room in here!

The other thing that keeps me out of the studio for a bit this time of year, is
playing in the dirt & potting up containers. Here's part of one of a pair, to go on each side of the front door. It's the north side, so not much sun, but by incorporating houseplants, I can still have color in the shade and even bring the container in for the winter and keep it for next year. See, the old mind is always whirling:) The violas will drop seeds on the ground beneath it for next year, and the dusty miller,
strobilanthus, and
streptacarpus all make good houseplants. I've always said planning a garden (or container) is like collage-layering colors, texture, shape & form-maybe we could coin a new term & like "art gardening", well, ok we can probably do better than that, but it'll do for now.

In the meantime, our flower gardens have gotten out of control over the last few years, so I've got Gary digging up, splitting, & moving plants all over. And then we keep finding new ones-can't win! Like this beauty we found at
The Flying Pig out in the greenspace. Robyn does a great job on getting her hands on some different plants to keep our gardens interesting and fresh looking. Now we need rain to keep the gardens looking good, so far we've had very little. Hoping this isn't a repeat of last summer! Ok, now go plant something, I'd love to see what you all come up with!
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